A couple good lists have been floating around, and we thought we’d point you in their direction.
First, Monday Morning Insight references a Willow magazine list of 15 innovations the church should embrace now. It kind of sounds like what happens when you roll up Lifechurch.tv, Mark Batterson and us.
Also, Church Relevance links and explains three church marketing essentials a la Rick Warren. We can always use reminders like these to keep our heads on straight.
Gene Mason
October 31, 2007
The only one I think I take some issue with is branding. First, branding is like jello–it looks good and solid but falls apart easily. Nobody really defines it very well. Secondly, I really believe our brand is Christ–that is, His image. I prayerfully submit the North American evangelical church (as a group) is focusing too much on attracting an audience versus being more like Christ. Not to say these are mutually exclusive, but to call branding an innovation I think misses a key point in scripture by taking on an image that may or may not be aligned with the Word…
November 1, 2007
Gene, consider this thought. Everything has an image, or “brand”. The Church has an image or “brand” to non-Christians. Just like you, Gene, have an image to your co-workers. “Gene” is a brand.
We have the responsibility of making Christianity an awesome, loving, humble, self-sacrificing, brand. Jesus said
They will know you are my disciples if you love one another
We need to be known for being like Christ, and this is “branding”. The first Christians at Antioch were apparently phenomenal at this.