Church Advertised with Republican Party

July 29, 2006 by

I know I’ve complained about being busy before, but you know it’s bad when Christianity Today is clamoring for more CMS. Their weblog reported on a pastor donating to the Republican party and calling it advertising and wondered outloud where our coverage was. Wow. It’s nice to be missed. And such a call out can’t go unanswered, so here’s our better-late-than-never post:

Calvary Temple Church in Texas is making headlines for accidentally donating to the Republican Party of Texas. Pastor Del Way explains that the church sponsored golf tournaments for “advertising purposes,” and is regularly involved in community outreach efforts.

The church has asked for their money back from the Republican party “This is just an innocent thing,” Way said. “It wasn’t for a candidate.”

“I’d be an idiot to directly support a party,” Way said. “I want to be above reproach.”

Yes, you would be an idiot to directly support a political party with church funds, but you’d also be an idiot to indirectly support a political party with church funds. It seems obvious that the golf tournaments were Republican Party of Texas events (how would you not know?), which seems like an obvious violation of IRS rules. Advertising at such an event may seem murkier than a straight-up donation, but it’s still supporting a political party.

The lesson here is know where your advertising dollars are going. Or maybe it’s don’t advertise a sport that involves silly pants. You decide.

Post By:

Kevin D. Hendricks

When Kevin isn't busy as the editor of Church Marketing Sucks, he runs his own writing and editing company, Monkey Outta Nowhere. Kevin has been blogging since 1998, runs the hyperlocal site West St. Paul Reader, and has published several books, including 137 Books in One Year: How to Fall in Love With Reading, The Stephanies and all of our church communication books.
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6 Responses to “Church Advertised with Republican Party”

  • Tim McGhee
    July 31, 2006

    Why is it that the Church just accepts those unconstitutional “IRS rules”? They’ve only been around since the 1950’s when Lyndon Johnson was a senator and was trying to squelch opposition. If ever the Church’s voice was needed it is now.
    Note: I’m not at all saying the Church should wed itself to the Republican party. But if a Republican wants to honor God in office, the Church should be allowed to support him or her. If a Democrat wants to honor God in office, the Church should be allowed to support him or her. Period.
    Lest we forget: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
    10,648 days

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  • alex petz
    July 31, 2006

    christians shouldn’t give a crap about politics. lets focus on feeding the poor and clothing the naked before jumping into an arena we have no business being in…take some hints from the Mennonites.

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  • Peter J. Walker
    July 31, 2006

    Tim -> Churches should be allowed to make political statements and have affiliations… but not with tax exempt status. We shouldn’t allow churches to skip taxation if they’re going to make a foray into politics. Don’t make me pay (as a taxpayer) for Republicans or Democrats, as they endeavor to usurp the Gospel for nationalistic ends.
    Yes, Christians can (and probably should) have political opinions and convictions, but Churches enjoy certain liberties as non-profit organizations.

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  • strugglefish
    August 3, 2006

    That’s a crazy statement you’ve made. I’m not saying go put a t-shirt on put bumper stickers on your car for your favorite candidate, but God thought enough of it that He gave us many instructions about government and our leaders.
    You need to be involved, because lack of involvement and prayer for our politicians directly affects you.
    As well, it just leaves the door open for our enemy the devil to do what he will in our government– legally.

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  • Daniel Smith
    October 27, 2006

    You know these wealthy hypocrites that go on TV and preach there politics,realistate,money and maybe a crum of religion, they all ignore what the bible says about a rich man intering the kingdom of heavan. So let’em give there money to there faveroite politican. Look at what’s in the white house and all the corruption in our government today.

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  • True Truth
    May 13, 2007

    Benny Hinn is a vampire. Only out for money. “Give-ah-da-lorahd-ah-handah-clap!! What a bunch of crap.
    Someone should smoke his worthless ass

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