Last week we asked how you help improve church communication. 25% volunteer, 23% make suggestions and point to good resources and 21% are on a communications team for their church. But only 7% participate in the Church Marketing Lab and only 5% support Church Marketing Sucks. Another 8% stand in the back and whine and 10% do something else.
While it’s good to see people involved and doing something to help church marketing no longer suck, I’m a bit surprised at the low numbers. Especially when there are more people complaining than helping out in the Church Marketing Lab or supporting this blog.
We want to see churches communicate better so more people can come to Jesus. We try to make it easy to do that.
Supporting us is easy: Get involved, donate or pray. None of the options demand a lot of time or effort. And participating in the Church Marketing Lab is easy–you just have to tell others what you think. I know you can do that.
This week we’re asking about stock photography, seeing as we managed to rile up a few folks with that post.