Easter Brings Churches Together

April 19, 2006 by

My wife and I were invited by some friends to attend an Easter service this past weekend. A handful of churches were coming together for a “county-wide celebration of Christ” at one of the famous outdoor amphitheaters here in Southern California. Thousands of people gathered for a surprisingly low-key service–not a a big show or production–with worship, a simple yet profound drama, and a cut-to-the-chase invitation for salvation. I was so moved by the people who responded to the invitation. What a thrill to see so many lost people found!

I was particularly glad to see churches coming together in partnership for reaching their communities. Although the host church, Rock Harbor, was the main organizer, there was not a single plug for them. Instead, they actually passed out cards with addresses to a dozen or so churches in the area for people to check out. I love it!

I also received word from Tim Schraeder of Riverside Community Church in Peoria, Ill. of something similar. They hooked up with St. Paul Baptist Church for a joint service. Not only are these churches of different denominations, they are of different cultures, too. I love it! You can read more about this and the media coverage they have generated on their blog.

Super Sunday: Planning Easter for Your ChurchMore:

  • Learn how to plan, promote and survive Easter with our new book, Super Sunday: Planning Easter for Your Church.
  • Need more help with Easter? We’ve collected all our Easter ideas into one powerful collection of strategies, examples, inspiration, encouragement and more. Plus we’ve got some ideas to help you manage the stress and stay sane as you approach Easter.
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Brad Abare

Brad Abare is the founder of the Center for Church Communication. He consults with companies and organizations, helping them figure out why in the world they exist, why anyone should care and what to do about it.
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