A recent study shows a deep gap between large and small churches when it comes using technology. Only 52% of Protestant churches have a web site, but the numbers vary greatly based on church size: 88% of large churches (those with 200+ members) have a web site compared with only 28% of small churches (those with less than 100 members).
Small churches may be missing out on a relatively cheap and efficient method of communication.
January 24, 2005
Interestingly, the report doesn’t mention using a website to build community. That’s what I’m trying to do with my church website although, admittedly, it’s hard work!
January 24, 2005
The thing I’ve discovered about building online community is that it requires having a group of people within that church who are comfortable with communicating online, via a message board or blog or other online tools. If you’ve got a small group who can do that with each other, then you’ve got a great start towards building a vibrant online community!
January 26, 2005
So…a church has a website…big deal. A better survey would have been to track the activity on those sites. Most churches have a “promo” page only with no up to date information. I’d love to get a list of churches (big and small) that have good sites and to know what makes a church site good.
January 26, 2005
Whoops – my bad. I should have looked under the “Web Sites” category. This article, “Great Church Websites,” was really helpful. In the words of Homer Simpson, “D’oh!”
January 27, 2005
Though you’re right Jeff, the bigger question is are people using the church web sites that do exist. A web site isn’t worth much unless it’s getting use.