Church Clarity is asking churches to be clear about where they stand on LGBTQ issues. We look at the pros and cons—and explore how churches should respond.
The #MeToo hashtag has raised awareness about sexual abuse, assault, and harassment. Should the church contribute to this conversation? If so, how do we do it?
Does your offering become awkward because people already gave online? We explore how to make the offering vital even if people don't give in that moment.
Churches have a responsibility to confront politics, even if it's uncomfortable. Here are three ways communicators can approach it without creating trouble.
Ready for a fresh start? Dive into Scripture and see how God provides for you, the busy and over-worked church communicator, with this free devotional.
Oh, Thanksgiving, we love you. It's a not-so-subtle reminder to be thankful for the good things we see as church communicators, like the demise of MySpace.
The Orlando shooting and a Ramadan outreach illustrate that as society changes, we must learn how to communicate and relate to people we disagree with.
Bono says church music isn't honest. But is the problem musicians who aren't honest or pastors who don't bring that conversation into the worship service?