Courageous Storytellers helps you learn as much as you can about your congregation and community—and apply that data toward targeted communication efforts.
Statistics show we're losing visitors quickly. Is your church doing its best to invite, interact with, follow up and retain the new people who walk in?
Our churches can get locked into certain ways of communicating to small groups. But you can change that when you change how you categorize the congregation.
Easter is the highest attended worship service of the year. The Easter stats speak for themselves. But how is your church getting ready to welcome visitors?
Church isn't something people always look forward to. You have to reach out and make it convenient and meaningful to persuade those who would rather stay home.
Church marketing is better, but there's always room for improvement. Check out three ways churches can improve and a free report on how churches communicate.
Earlier this year we launched what we hope will become our annual church communication survey. We'll start by sharing some of the preliminary results about who we are as communicators ...