In the midst of all my “soul searching” rants of recent weeks, most notably the Bastards With Bibles series, I’m getting a decent amount of inquiries asking “How do we ...
Last week I had the opportunity to speak at the Echo conference in Dallas, Texas, with a few hundred church media artists. I presented a spoken version of my “Bastards ...
Productivity guru Merlin Mann has this to say about branding, via Twitter:
If you’re really worried about your “branding,” try to stop thinking about life as a press release and ...
This is part three in a series about how our impending identity crisis is funking our souls. You can read Part 1 and Part 2 to catch up.
Organization as Soul ...
This is part two in a series about how our impending identity crisis is funking our souls. Part one was the story of CGE/Vivendi and their struggle to figure out ...
This is part one in a series about how our impending identity crisis is funking our souls. I’m really fired up about this subject of identity and soul and I’m ...
Staying on the brandwagon (I apologize; I’m ashamed; It probably won’t happen again for a little bit.), Tony Morgan follows Seth Godin in discussing bad branding ideas. And he’s got ...
Here’s some interesting research that looks at Apple’s branding and its impact on viewers:
[Researchers at Duke University] found that exposing people to a brand’s logo for 30 milliseconds will make ...
If you read Church Marketing Sucks often, then you’ll see the word “brand” come up here and there. It’s used as a noun, meaning the collection of your logo, letterhead, ...
Last time, we discussed Advertising Age’s review of Brands of Faith, and we looked at the problems that arise when churches over market and under deliver.
But there’s a second ...
I’ll admit, I’m walking in to this conversation a bit late. Advertising Age recently ran a piece called When Evangelism is the Ad Model. It’s actually a book review, so ...
Recently, our own Brad Abare raised the question, “What word do you own?” on the Personality™ blog.
He discusses a recent Advertising Age article (subscription required) exploring the importance of your ...
Judging from the comments and questions we get in the Church Marketing Lab it seems like logos have to be one of the hardest challenges for church marketers. But have ...