Kevin D. Hendricks

When Kevin isn't busy as the editor of Church Marketing Sucks, he runs his own writing and editing company, Monkey Outta Nowhere. Kevin has been blogging since 1998, runs the hyperlocal site West St. Paul Reader, and has published several books, including 137 Books in One Year: How to Fall in Love With Reading, The Stephanies and all of our church communication books.

Kevin D. Hendricks's Posts:

All Saints’ Day Heroes
November 2, 2015

All Saints’ Day Heroes

There are heroes of faith we can look back to and find inspiration in. The technology may change, but the challenge doesn't.


A Different Approach to Church Signs: It Is Going to Be OK
October 28, 2015

A Different Approach to Church Signs: It Is Going to Be OK

Should church signs advertise upcoming events or groan-worthy puns? One church decided their sign could do something more: give hope.


Not Just Maintaining
October 27, 2015

Not Just Maintaining

"You can easily be in maintenance mode as a communications leader, constantly trying to keep your head above water."


10 Characteristics of Effective Church Communication on #cmschat
October 23, 2015

10 Characteristics of Effective Church Communication on #cmschat

Last night's #cmschat on Twitter covered bigger picture strategy and effectiveness questions instead of specific tools or tactics.


Using Technology: Texting & Tools
October 20, 2015

Using Technology: Texting & Tools

"A lot of times we get caught up with methods, when the truth is methods change but message never changes."


Rebuild by Marcus Cylar
October 19, 2015

Rebuild by Marcus Cylar

Too many pastors end up burned out and walk away from ministry. The result can be a communication nightmare. So let's support our pastors.


How Periscope Can Improve Your Church Communication on #cmschat
October 16, 2015

How Periscope Can Improve Your Church Communication on #cmschat

Last night's #cmschat on Twitter covered how Periscope can improve your church communication.


Awesome Christmas Social Media on #cmschat
October 13, 2015

Awesome Christmas Social Media on #cmschat

Last week's #cmschat on Twitter covered how to create awesome Christmas social media.


Leading Up

Leading Up

Gerry True explains leading up: "Sometimes you have to lead up in a way that helps senior leaders see an idea they've never seen before."


Connecting With Christmas Guests Who Won’t Come Back
October 12, 2015

Connecting With Christmas Guests Who Won’t Come Back

Lots of people show up for Christmas services, but what can you do to connect with guests who will likely never come back?


Christmas Book Now Available: God Rest Ye Stressed Communicators
October 5, 2015

Christmas Book Now Available: God Rest Ye Stressed Communicators

Our new Christmas book, God Rest Ye Stressed Communicators: Planning Christmas for Your Church, is now available. Take advantage of the launch week sale.


25 Christmas Stories: How Does Your Church Do Christmas?

25 Christmas Stories: How Does Your Church Do Christmas?

What makes Christmas special at your church? Check out these creative and inspiring ideas for how different churches do Christmas.


Questions to Transform Church Communication on #cmschat
October 2, 2015

Questions to Transform Church Communication on #cmschat

Last night's #cmschat on Twitter explored some basic questions to transform your church's communication.


Integrated Communication
September 29, 2015

Integrated Communication

"If your church is known for a bunch of ministry silos, then you're not doing church communication properly."


The Value of Church Communications for Leaders on #cmschat
September 25, 2015

The Value of Church Communications for Leaders on #cmschat

This week's #cmschat on Twitter covered how to communicate the value of communication to church leadership.