Kevin D. Hendricks

When Kevin isn't busy as the editor of Church Marketing Sucks, he runs his own writing and editing company, Monkey Outta Nowhere. Kevin has been blogging since 1998, runs the hyperlocal site West St. Paul Reader, and has published several books, including 137 Books in One Year: How to Fall in Love With Reading, The Stephanies and all of our church communication books.

Kevin D. Hendricks's Posts:

A Week in the Life: Maggie Barragan
June 28, 2016

A Week in the Life: Maggie Barragan

Social media manager Maggie Barragan is coping with pastoral and staff vacations, but she's excited about an upcoming conference.


How to Find the Right Target Audience for Your Message on #cmschat
June 24, 2016

How to Find the Right Target Audience for Your Message on #cmschat

Last night's #cmschat on Twitter covered finding the right target audience and how to get them to take action.


A Week in the Life: Jeanette Yates
June 21, 2016

A Week in the Life: Jeanette Yates

Church communicator Jeanette Yates is excited about implementing a new strategy and learning to be more assertive in her new role.


Content is King, the King is Dead, Long Live the King on #cmschat
June 17, 2016

Content is King, the King is Dead, Long Live the King on #cmschat

Last night's #cmschat on Twitter covered content and engagement on social media.


#109: Quit Sending Crappy Emails
June 15, 2016

#109: Quit Sending Crappy Emails

Email doesn't have to be complicated. Switch to an email service and set up some basic standards to vastly improve your church's approach to email.


A Week in the Life: John Yeng
June 14, 2016

A Week in the Life: John Yeng

Church communicator John Yeng is looking ahead with fall strategy and scheduling a creative team planning retreat. He's also struggling with his kids' schedule.


How to Create Engaging Social Media Content on #cmschat
June 10, 2016

How to Create Engaging Social Media Content on #cmschat

Last night's #cmschat on Twitter covered creating engaging and imaginative content for your social media channels.


Caring Through Social Media
June 8, 2016

Caring Through Social Media

How can we show care through social media? Instead of always responding to the masses, engage people on an individual basis. Here's how one church did that.


Bono on Honest Creativity in Church
June 6, 2016

Bono on Honest Creativity in Church

Bono says church music isn't honest. But is the problem musicians who aren't honest or pastors who don't bring that conversation into the worship service?


The Most Important Skill You Could Ever Learn on #cmschat
June 3, 2016

The Most Important Skill You Could Ever Learn on #cmschat

Last night's #cmschat on Twitter covered the most important skill you could ever learn: storytelling.


#73: Quit Working Late
June 1, 2016

#73: Quit Working Late

Remember: God doesn’t love you because you work endless hours at a church. He loves you because he created you.


Creating a Social Media Policy for Your Church on #cmschat
May 27, 2016

Creating a Social Media Policy for Your Church on #cmschat

Last night's #cmschat on Twitter covered how to create a social media policy for your church.


Seeking Staff Criticism as You Roll Out Ideas
May 25, 2016

Seeking Staff Criticism as You Roll Out Ideas

Seeking staff criticism from trusted colleagues can help you improve ideas and make them more effective before rolling them out to your entire church.


How You Can Support Creative Missions 2016
May 20, 2016

How You Can Support Creative Missions 2016

Church communicators are gathering in Vermont right now to help local churches communicate better. It's Creative Missions 2016. Here's how you can help.


How to Improve Church Websites on #cmschat

How to Improve Church Websites on #cmschat

Last night's #cmschat on Twitter covered how to improve church websites and went to video chat.