Kevin D. Hendricks

When Kevin isn't busy as the editor of Church Marketing Sucks, he runs his own writing and editing company, Monkey Outta Nowhere. Kevin has been blogging since 1998, runs the hyperlocal site West St. Paul Reader, and has published several books, including 137 Books in One Year: How to Fall in Love With Reading, The Stephanies and all of our church communication books.

Kevin D. Hendricks's Posts:

Why My Church is Sticking With a Print Bulletin
May 1, 2017

Why My Church is Sticking With a Print Bulletin

My church is sticking with a paper bulletin. It fits our culture, physical space, and purpose. It also helps with our services, which use liturgy.


One-on-One Advice at The Intensive
April 18, 2017

One-on-One Advice at The Intensive

Do you see what's happening in this photo? That's Intensive instructor Stephen Brewster giving one-on-one advice to church communicators.


Easter Mistakes to Avoid Next Year
April 17, 2017

Easter Mistakes to Avoid Next Year

Easter is over. You survived. High five. Now before taking some well-deserved time off, you should review these Easter mistakes to avoid next year.


15 Church Easter Videos
April 5, 2017

15 Church Easter Videos

From a pastoral invite to something more creative, Easter is an opportunity for churches to engage visitors with video. Here are 15 church Easter videos.


60 Church Websites for Easter
April 4, 2017

60 Church Websites for Easter

Take a look at this sampling of church websites at Easter to see inspiring designs and unique ways to welcome visitors at Easter.


4 Simple Church Website Tips
April 3, 2017

4 Simple Church Website Tips

If your website is responsive, easy to update, friendly for guests, and full of good content, you're doing it right. Easier said than done, but it's a start.


Help Your Church Invite Friends: Free Easter Invite Template
March 27, 2017

Help Your Church Invite Friends: Free Easter Invite Template

Easter is a great time to invite people to church. Make it easier on your congregation with invite cards. We've got a free Easter invite card template.


Watch a Church Bulletin Webinar
March 23, 2017

Watch a Church Bulletin Webinar

Lori Bailey and Mark MacDonald talk bulletins in this 20-minute webinar. They cover digital vs. print, multi-site bulletins, building a team, and more.


Church Shopping: How Can We Better Welcome Guests?
March 22, 2017

Church Shopping: How Can We Better Welcome Guests?

Secret shoppers visit stores to offer an unbiased critique of the customer experience. Churches need the same insight and Greg Atkinson offers just that.


Free Easter Branding
March 20, 2017

Free Easter Branding

If you don't have your church's Easter branding nailed down yet, we can help. Download these Adobe Illustrator templates you can customize.


Easter Stress: Take Care of Yourself
March 15, 2017

Easter Stress: Take Care of Yourself

As we approach Easter planning, take care of yourself. The quality of your ministry is only good as the quality of your personal ministry.


Dealing With Easter Stress
March 8, 2017

Dealing With Easter Stress

Church communicators feel a lot of stress as we approach Easter. Beating that stress starts with planning and saying no to the extra distractions.


Easter Stress: Don’t Do It All Yourself
February 27, 2017

Easter Stress: Don’t Do It All Yourself

Part of beating Easter stress as a church communicator is learning how to delegate. You don't have to do everything yourself.


6 Steps to Planning Easter
February 22, 2017

6 Steps to Planning Easter

Kelley Hartnett shares her six-step approach to planning Easter in two-and-half minutes. Get some quick inspiration to get started with your Easter planning.


3 Ways Church Communicators Can Deal With Politics
February 20, 2017

3 Ways Church Communicators Can Deal With Politics

Churches have a responsibility to confront politics, even if it's uncomfortable. Here are three ways communicators can approach it without creating trouble.