Jeanette Yates

Jeanette Yates is the communications director for Hendricks Avenue Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Fla. In addition to listening to an epic amount of podcasts, she helps churches learn more about church marketing through the Two Church Girls and a Microphone Podcast, which she co-hosts with Meghan Howard.

Jeanette Yates's Posts:

Moments: Telling the Story of Hunger
December 18, 2018

Moments: Telling the Story of Hunger

Storytelling matters. It takes courage to tell stories and to encourage others to tell their stories, but it makes a difference. 


The Come Back Effect: How Hospitality Can Compel Your Church’s Guests to Return by Jason Young & Jonathan Malm
August 6, 2018

The Come Back Effect: How Hospitality Can Compel Your Church’s Guests to Return by Jason Young & Jonathan Malm

Think about the connections we make with guests through their experiences: What exactly is hospitality? How do we practice it intentionally? And why is this so important for church growth?


How to Make the Most of Church Communication Facebook Groups
March 26, 2018

How to Make the Most of Church Communication Facebook Groups

Joining a church communications Facebook Group can be a great way to learn new things, get practical tips, and network (and commiserate) with fellow ministry leaders. It can also be ...


The Social Christian: A Theological Exploration of Social Media
November 6, 2017

The Social Christian: A Theological Exploration of Social Media

Social media is a community that needs Jesus. Christians have a responsibility to represent Christ through their status updates, photos, and interactions.


The Hidden Option by Jonathan Malm
September 11, 2017

The Hidden Option by Jonathan Malm

Forget everything you know about creativity. Jonathan Malm redefines creativity and challenges us to tap into our God-given creative gifts.