Not every church has the budget for a massive children's ministry, so how do we avoid banishing them and instead welcome children into our worship services?
Church communicators are gathering in Vermont right now to help local churches communicate better. It's Creative Missions 2016. Here's how you can help.
Google Analytics offers valuable insight for your church website. Assuming you know where to look. We explore basic questions Google Analytics can answer.
Our next Certification Lab is July 17-19. We've got 10 reasons why you should be there, including access to instructors, connections, ongoing help and more.
While churches are nonprofits, there's a lot we can learn from the nonprofit world about how to communicate. We cover mission, branding, advocates and more.
We cover the why, how, what and best practices of texting your congregation. With open rates at 99% the real question is why isn't your church texting?
The reality is every social media notification is a connection and relationship to the kingdom work that God is doing, and that elevates that conversation.