The pursuit of excellence can be frustrating, wasteful and exhausting. We need to redefine excellence. It's not about measuring up, but making the most.
It’s not easy to keep ego in check. Even in the church. Here's how you can disarm it: Embrace humility, be teachable and submit to the Spirit's leading.
Who's visiting your website and what are they doing when they get there? We talk church website analytics with AJ Fenlason and the missing element for Instagram.
Are your creative meetings boring? Not cool. Here are five ways to turn boring brainstorms into the energizing, creative experience you need to bring world-changing ideas to your church.
Is the Certification Lab worth it? In this video hangout our instructors give a taste of the insights you can expect and why it's worth the investment to attend.
Not sure if you should attend the upcoming Certification Lab, coming to Southern California in October? Here are 10 reasons why it's worth your time to check it out.