Jesus told us to be in the world and not of it. And as Christians living in a hyper-connected world, we wrestle with these challenges daily as technology becomes more and more a part of our daily routine. Like most geeky Christ-followers, John Dyer believed that we could use the latest and greatest technology for the good of Christ and his church.
In his new book, From the Garden to the City: The Redeeming and Corrupting Power of Technology, John seeks to explore the effects of technology on our lives and on our faith.
“If God is our savior and he wins in the end, does technology even matter? Obviously, we should use technology for good and not for evil, but does anything more need to be said? If it is true that technology shapes our bodies, minds and souls, then it seems we should care deeply about our tools. Moreover, if technology plays some role in the story of God redeem in his people, we should care more.”
Tracing the evolution of technology from the Garden of Eden to the eventual return of Christ in the new city, John argues that technology shapes and transforms us and we need to be well-aware of the power it has as we seek to use it for the good of the kingdom.
Using the lens of Scripture, this book provides a concise and theological framework to consider how we use technology and provides practical insights for how to faithfully serve God in our technology-saturated world.
For any church communications leader, this book will provide valuable insights as you consider how to leverage new media. Beyond offering theory and lots of theology, this book offers practical application of how to carefully use technology without it using you, and offers helpful insights on how to determine if technology is shaping you into the person God wants you to be. As our world changes, and changes us, this book is a healthy reminder of how to continually and faithfully serve Christ and the church and be transformed more into image of Christ.
Read our interview with author John Dyer.
A.J. Swoboda
November 10, 2011
From the Garden to the City sounds like a great read! Will get today.
Christian church yorba linda
November 14, 2011
The book sounds interesting. Would definitely love to read it. I would love to know and explore the effects of technology on our lives and on our faith and does it actually make a difference in our lives.
Luke McFadden
January 9, 2012
Adding this book to my reading list for an independent study on Spiritual Formation and Technology. Looks awesome!