Every week I hold online office hours and answer questions from folks like you. This week we’ve got quite the grab bag of questions: Online/offline social media tools, pastors on social media, and the pox that is Comic Sans! Take a look and be sure to join me every Wednesday from 2-4 p.m. CDT for online office hours!
What do you think is the best way to foster real-life connections through social media? As the assistant media arts director for a small church, we’re trying to find the best way to utilize social media in our specific situation.
My answer: Great question.
Meetup.com or Twtvite.com. Seriously. Book an offline event (Karaoke Night, Theology on Tap, etc.) and get people to sign up using the mediums they know and love.
Hi Justin, What do you think of pastors who talk to, not with, people on social media?
My answer: Same thing I think about pastors who talk to, not with, people in real life: They’re most likely hurting, confused or burned out and don’t even realize it.
Bonus: What is your opinion on letter size and font in a website?
My answer: I think Comic Sans is a crying shame. I think tiny font is hard to read. I think Google Web Fonts are awesome. Use them. A lot.
Thanks for the great questions everybody! These answers were shorter than normal, so I threw the last one in for good measure! Hopefully this information will help you get from where you are to where you want to go. See you next time. If you want more insights from church communicators, make sure to pick up Outspoken!
Jen Frazer
October 5, 2011
I, too, adore @font-face, but it’s still horrendously unsupported by the browsers that our parishioners and website visitors are using. Do you recommend degrading to web-safe fonts or using conditional image replacement? Or does that depend on the uniqueness of the font and its importance in the design? I’m pro-accessibility, but also anti-ugly. (Papyrus is also shameful.)