Halloween is just around the corner—how will your church be celebrating? Embracing the fun? Lambasting the evil? Something in the middle? You let us know in last week's poll.
“Tech has become an integral part of how we do weekend church,” says technical arts director Van Metschke. Learn more about the launch of the Tech Arts Network.
We can’t share Jesus with people we don’t understand and even protest. We must overcome fears and stereotypes in order to reach people of other faiths with respect and love.
We've been talking about church signs for years. But what's your opinion on these marquees in front of churches across America? We asked you in last week's poll.
When churches say nothing, others step in and fill the void. Paul Hickernell continues his "When Churches Keep Quiet" series to help churches avoid the pitfalls of silence.
The Church Marketing Lab is about a lot more than pretty pictures. It's about church communicators helping one another out and sharing life experiences.
Are you ready to do some positive picketing? Our post on the idea stirred some excitement, but will that translate into poll results? We asked last week to find out.
Recently, Blue Like Jazz made headlines with a grassroots campaign that raised $125,000 to save the film from extinction. What can churches learn from this? We explore that question.
Inviting a Muslim to speak at your church is not exactly a popular move. But Bob Roberts Jr. did. He shares lessons in communicating big ideas to your congregation.
“The disconnect between what I’d read in the Bible and what people in the church would actually say or do became more apparent.” Now there’s a communication problem.