Manliness, Names & Parody

December 8, 2006 by
Post By:

Kevin D. Hendricks

When Kevin isn't busy as the editor of Church Marketing Sucks, he runs his own writing and editing company, Monkey Outta Nowhere. Kevin has been blogging since 1998, runs the hyperlocal site West St. Paul Reader, and has published several books, including 137 Books in One Year: How to Fall in Love With Reading, The Stephanies and all of our church communication books.
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6 Responses to “Manliness, Names & Parody”

    December 8, 2006

    Ya need the right link on the baptist story.

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  • Eric Powell
    December 9, 2006

    Okay, whats the “real” URL for the “Churches Drop ‘Baptist’ Tag” bullet?

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  • Andrew Mitry
    December 10, 2006

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  • Kevin Hendricks
    December 11, 2006

    Sorry about that. The link is now fixed.

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  • Juan Palm
    December 11, 2006

    The parody ads just go wrong. I am sick of church marketing that is about “market share” rather than evangelism. Must Christians attack other Christians to “grow”?

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  • Sara
    December 13, 2006

    Juan: first, I think we’re kidding ourselves if we think we can make each other “grow”. That’s not our job — it’s G-d’s through the Holy Spirit. We are called to build each other up and challenge each other. I agree with you, though, that we are too good at the cutting down.
    I personally love the creativity behind these salty little satirical nuggets, even though I wish we would quit copying someone else’s ideas. Anyway, the point of the parodies is emphasis of a personal relationship and daily decision over mere outward appearance, head knowledge, and empty rules.
    I know plenty of xtians who, like the PC-styled “Christian,” are wickedly smart about the Bible, dress snappily on Sundays, and are truly genuine when it comes to their faith. I fall into the latter Mac-stylized “Christ-follower” because that’s who I am naturally and I draw a less traditional crowd. I associate with both types because there is much to learn and we all know it’s not because of who we are or what we know that we are forgiven.
    And that I believe is ultimately the point.

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