Last week we asked if your church had a style guide. Only 26% reported using a style guide, which nearly causes editorial-induced hemorrhaging for this writer (I believe a great man once said something like “Give me consistency or give me death!”). So there’s a few churches out there who might want to check out our entry on how to start a style guide.
This week we ask about our upcoming two-year anniversary. It’s hard to believe it’s been that long.
June 30, 2006
With the growing brand recognition of Church Marketing Sucks & Center for Church Communication, maybe the style guide that CMS/CFCC puts together will become a household name like AP Stylebook or Chicago Manual of Style *hint hint* :)
kevin d. hendricks
July 1, 2006
Oh, the power! I could ban the oxford comma, cement my prefered e-mail with a hyphen and insist on web friendly characters. Bwahahahaha!
It’s just too much for an editor to handle. Take your foul temptation away!