Church Easter Ideas
He is risen! He is risen indeed! Easter is coming. It’s one of the most popular times in the year for guests to attend your church. It’s also the biggest celebration in the church calendar. So how will your church welcome visitors and celebrate Christ’s resurrection? We’ve got plenty of church Easter ideas to help you out.
How to Get Started:
We’ve got a lot of church Easter ideas, so let’s start easy:
1. Free Easter Resources
We’ve got plenty of church Easter ideas to share below, but let’s start with some free Easter resources:
- Social Graphics: Go into all the world, digitally, and share the good news this Easter with these free social media graphics.
- Easter Branding: Get a head start on Easter with this free Easter branding your church can use.
- Invite Cards: People come to church because they’re invited, so make it easier with these free Easter invite card templates.
- 25 Easter Ideas: Get a list of ideas for how to promote Easter Sunday.
2. Read the Book: Super Sunday
Forget the ham or lamb debate, church communicators need to plan, promote and keep their sanity. Our new book, Super Sunday: Planning Easter for your Church, can help. More than baskets and bunnies, Easter offers a glimpse of glory. That’s why churches celebrate big, and this resource will help them do it right.
For more on Super Sunday, check out this 20-minute video with Kelley Hartnett, Kelvin Co, and Kevin Hendricks:
Easter Stats
- More people search for “church” around Easter than any other time.
- Easter has the highest attendance of any service all year.
- 20% are undecided about attending Easter services.
More on Easter stats.
Just approach it like you would tackle a giant, chocolate Easter bunny: One bite at a time.
Church Easter Ideas & Resources
We’ve got a lot of resources to help your church at Easter. It can be a little overwhelming, so we’ve sorted them out into three areas:
- Planning and Promotion
- Ideas and Examples
- Surviving Easter & After
1. Church Easter Planning & Promotion
How to welcome Easter visitors, an interview with Unwelcome author Jonathan Malm.
- Why can’t we do church this way every weekend? Thoughts on bringing people back after Easter.
- Josh Burns talks about targeting those under 30 and single with your Easter invites.
- Big goals and how to reach them: Phil Bowdle talks about his goal of reaching 1,500 more people at Easter.
- At Oak Hills Church, Easter planning started three to four months early. But that wasn’t always the case. Learn more about Easter strategy and planning in this podcast episode with Gerry True.
- Promoting Easter: Empower your congregation and start early.
- 21 ideas for Easter promotion.
- Are your Easter service times on your website?
2. Church Easter Ideas & Examples
- 10 Easter examples: Whether it’s experiences, marketing or stage design, we’ve got real Easter examples with pictures and videos.
- 20 cool Easter ideas: We asked people for the coolest thing they’ve seen churches do at Easter.
- 60 church websites for Easter.
- 15 church videos for Easter.
- 5 experts on Easter: We ask a bunch of experts what they’re doing for Easter. Answers range from a three-month series to a meeting is scheduled.
- What’s your Easter effort? We’ve been collecting and sharing stories of what local churches are doing for Easter.
- Eagle Brook Church decided that people already knew about Easter, so they launched a broader public transit campaign to encourage people to share what they found at church.
- From sunrise services to dramatic moments, church communication pros share their favorite Easter services.
- Neo Church turned to Indiegogo to fund their Easter film told from the perspective of Mary Magdalene.
- Joint services: Churches partner to do Easter together.
- Sorry: An Easter campaign to say sorry to servers screwed over by sad Sunday tippers.
Second Baptist Church in Houston puts on a holy flash mob.
- Need a creative Easter idea? How about Easter elephants and fortune cookies.
- Show us your Easter: We asked folks to show us what Easter looked like and their church and shared 16 examples of bulletins, advertising, stage set up and more.
- Get some help from the community with the #cmschat transcripts: Easter preparation, Easter ideas, planning (and surviving) Easter and reaching more people on social media this Easter.
- Check out Easter designs from 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2006 (pre-dates the lab) and 2005 (also pre-lab).
- 10 last minute social media ideas for Easter. Plus even more last-minute ideas.
“One of my first great successes as a church communicator was seeing online activity from an Easter campaign I led for New Direction Christian Church. It was a 45-day social media campaign called “Follow” resulting in 2,700+ Facebook likes, 150+ comments, 400,000 Twitter impressions and 75,000+ Twitter accounts reached. The goal of the campaign was to challenge people’s ideas about what it really means to be a follower of Christ. What made this campaign work well was sharing great content (photos, videos, testimonials from an online story board and a 30-day devotional guide) and consistently encouraging people to answer questions and share their stories.” (Getting Started interview with Deanna Mingo)
3. Surviving Easter & After
The months and weeks leading up to Easter can be stressful for communicators. Be sure you’re taking care of yourself.
- How to survive Easter.
- Go beyond surviving Easter to sharing Easter.
- As church communicators, our purpose is not to produce, strive or hustle. We’re to abide in God.
The week of Easter can be crazy stressful. It’s easy to lose focus. But there are three simple things you can do to stay focused: prayer, peace and post personally. Here’s a bit on finding peace:
“For many churches Easter is basically another word for church showoff day—a time when we spiff up the building, pull out the lilies, hire a brass quintet, and put on fabulous hats and do whatever we have to do to impress visitors. To me, it had always felt kind of like the church’s version of putting out the guest towels, which makes no sense. Easter is not a story about new dresses and flowers and spiffiness. Really, it’s a story about flesh and dirt and bodies and confusion, and it’s about the way God never seems to adhere to our expectations of what a proper God would do (as in not get himself killed in a totally avoidable way).” from Pastrix: The Cranky, Beautiful Faith of a Sinner & Saint by Nadia Bolz-Weber
We’ve got more help for dealing with the stress of Easter and after:
- Easter prayer for church communicators: Gerry True offers a prayer for communicators in our podcast.
- 3 things to remember during Holy Week.
- Check out thoughts on self care for Easter from the #cmschat community. The group also shared encouraging Bible verses that help them recharge.
- Easter is over, now what? Celebrate, evaluate, reset and recharge.
- We’ve got a whole category about taking care of yourself. Be sure you do it. Easter shouldn’t be about burn out.
- How about Stephen Colbert talking about extreme church marketing for a post-Easter chuckle (or maybe a mid-Easter break)? Or check out our top 10 Easter mistakes to avoid next year.
We hope you find the church Easter ideas you need, we hope your plans come together, and we wish your congregation a joyous Easter.