This week begins a little series I’m doing that I’ve titled “Lessons In Not Sucking.” Much of the content has culminated and been cultivated over the years here at Church ...
Christianity Today‘s blog, Out of Ur, posted last week about Willow Creek’s big apology as it relates to how Willow has been wrong in their approach to church for the ...
Throw down the gloves. Hide the women and children. Have an ambulance in the vicinity. Christianity Today is looking for a fight. All right, only kidding. But they recently posted ...
So Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary is offering college-level coursework in homemaking–sewing, cooking, parenting. It’s part of a humanities degree with a concentration in homemaking, and it’s only for women.
While jaws ...
A lot of times, we talk about (obviously) how church marketing sucks. What churches have done wrong, what they could do better, how they could go farther, or where they ...
In the July/August 2007 issue of Ministry Today, Jack Hayford had a great column about contemporary communication and its effect on the church today. Having known “Pastor Jack” for the ...
It’s time to go back to the basics.
I don’t know any non-Christian who wakes up and thinks, “Gee, I should go to church today.” Churches need to find ways to ...
Kent Shaffer of Church Relevance, in the February 2007 edition of their newsletter, covered the 3 Fundamental Rules of Church Marketing. Here’s a sampling of what he said, and head ...
Over at the nakedpastor blog, there’s a two-part post entitled “My Vision is to Have No Vision.” Any feathers ruffled yet?
He argues that vision is actually a killer. It crushes ...
I’m an Apple nerd. I’ve mentioned it before. And there’s something Apple-related I’ve been sitting on for awhile now.
MacRumors is where I get my Apple updates and info. Around their ...
Creation care. Environmental ethics. Going green. All right, go ahead and pull your jaw off of the floor and calm the smoke from your ears. Many evangelical Christians hate the ...
It seems that everyone has been talking lately about leaving churches and how to be graceful in doing so. And if it’s not how to leave a church, it’s how ...
Today, we heard the words “Marketing Challenge,” and immediately sprang into action. (It’s kind of like the bat symbol for us.) Then, as we read on, we found that we ...
“The problem is not how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out. Every mind is a building filled with archaic furniture. Clean ...
Andy Crouch of The Christian Vision Project was recently interviewed on the Catalyst podcast. He made some interesting points which I’ll summarize for our loyal CMS readers. Essentially, Andy presents ...