Stephen Brewster

I have the honor of serving as the creative arts pastor at Cross Point Church in Nashville, Tenn., and have spent the past 15 years in professional creative environments including church, music business, marketing, management, artist development, creative team leading and art directing. I live in Franklin, Tenn., with my wife Jackie and our four amazing kids, and you can follow me on Twitter at @B_rewster.

Stephen Brewster's Posts:

Refuel Your Creativity
February 2, 2015

Refuel Your Creativity

When you run out of creative juice, you need to refuel your creativity. Here are three simple ideas to recharge, refresh and renew your creativity.


5 Ways to Make Your Creative Meeting More Creative & Effective
September 5, 2014

5 Ways to Make Your Creative Meeting More Creative & Effective

Are your creative meetings boring? Not cool. Here are five ways to turn boring brainstorms into the energizing, creative experience you need to bring world-changing ideas to your church.


Let’s Learn Church Comm Together: Certification Lab
April 4, 2014

Let’s Learn Church Comm Together: Certification Lab

Church communication is a journey where we learn from our mistakes, but we don't have to do it alone. We can learn from each other, so let's do it.


Design Basics: Storytelling in Design
April 2, 2014

Design Basics: Storytelling in Design

It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. If that is true why do we at times struggle to use design to tell great stories?


Be Thankful for Your Responsibility
November 25, 2013

Be Thankful for Your Responsibility

Maybe you've forgotten the joy of that first day and the wonder of what we do. You've given in to the grind. But today is a new day.


Dealing With Constraints
September 6, 2013

Dealing With Constraints

When we lack resources we get the opportunity to start being innovative. Stephen Brewster talks about constraints, a topic that will be covered at the Certification Lab in October.