Brad Abare is the founder of the Center for Church Communication. He consults with companies and organizations, helping them figure out why in the world they exist, why anyone should care and what to do about it.
“When hundreds of you come flooding out of the church after services every weekend, your heads are high, your shoulders are back and your enthusiasm is obvious. Take that same ...
The last chapter of 2 Samuel reads somewhat like a page out of the book of Revelation. It’s got everything a good chapter in Revelation has: judgment, death and an ...
Just finished a whirlwind week. It began with the National New Church Conference in Orlando and then ended, as it did for many others, with Q in Atlanta (Q, whew?). ...
I had a great time in Orlando on Tuesday of last week at the National New Church Conference. I flew from Los Angeles to Orlando and arrived late Monday night. ...
I realize it’s a little late to the game on this, but for anyone in the southern California area (or those with private planes), on May 1-3 in Pasadena, Calif., ...
Values like transparency, authenticity and connectedness date back to some of our earliest entries when we started Church Marketing Sucks three years ago. When I’m given the opportunity to speak ...
I read a great article in the New York Times this morning about churches that have gone green for Palm Sunday by purchasing eco-palms. These palms are slightly more expensive, ...
Just a reminder that the April 3 deadline to take advantage of the $70 discount for the second annual Buzz Conference is a few days away.
Mark and team are ...
Part 10 in a series on Innovative Churches. Be sure to contribute to the Most Innovative Churches list.
How will we know if innovation is working? How should we measure the ...
One of my daily blog reads is Signal vs. Noise from the folks behind 37signals. Not only do I use a few of their products (personally and professionally), I really ...
Part 9 in a series on Innovative Churches. Be sure to contribute to the Most Innovative Churches list.
Does size matter? What about smaller churches and those with limited financial resources? ...
If you’re not already getting the Monday Morning Memo from adman Roy H. Williams, you’re missing out. Not only is Williams a brilliant pithy writer, he’s got one of the ...
Part 8 in a series on Innovative Churches. Be sure to contribute to the Most Innovative Churches list.
How are innovative churches trying to engage and impact their communities outside the ...
Last week Kevin wrote an entry about something Craig Groeschel of said regarding sticking to what works. While I appreciate the intentionality of getting rid of unnecessary activity, there ...