Brad Abare

Brad Abare is the founder of the Center for Church Communication. He consults with companies and organizations, helping them figure out why in the world they exist, why anyone should care and what to do about it.

Brad Abare's Posts:

promotion Article
August 6, 2004

Get Consistent, Starbucks

Every once in a while, my wife gets a hankering for finding and using coupons. This past week was no exception when she came upon quite the prize: Starbucks coupons! ...


advertising Article
August 4, 2004

Olympic Marketing Sucks… Up the Money

Despite the unusually quiet publicity, extremely low ticket sales, and impossible preparation feats the country of Greece is going through with this year’s Olympics in Athens, corporate sponsorships remain strong. ...


philosophy Article
August 3, 2004

Is Marketing In the Bible?

For all of the wisdom in the book of Proverbs, the word “marketing” is not found. Furthermore, a key word search through 18 different Bible translations returns just one finding ...


advertising Article
July 28, 2004

Think Yellow

Advertising in the yellow pages continues to be a worthwhile medium despite the growing strength of search engine sophistication. According to The Kelsey Group, small- and medium-size businesses spend 46% ...


advertising Article
July 27, 2004

Ad Slogans Lost in Translation

“It takes a sexually aroused man to make a chicken affectionate.” – Purdue Farms“Pepsi brings your ancestors back from the grave.” – Pepsi“Suffer from diarrhea.” – Coors These are just ...


philosophy Article
July 26, 2004

It’s Your Church, Now Act Like It

The building where I work is two miles from the heart of downtown Los Angeles, and from the windows in my office, I can see the entire city skyline. This ...


evangelism-outreach Article
July 23, 2004

George Barna and the Fat Man

In a recent interview with church research guru George Barna, staff writer for Pentecostal Evangel, Isaac Olivarez, asks a handful of boring questions that probably engaged the senses of Barna ...


first-impressions-beyond Article
July 22, 2004

Establishing a Visitor Philosophy

I love well-written pieces. The article by Michael V. Copeland, in the July issue of Business 2.0 titled “Best Buy’s Selling Machine,” is one of the best company write-ups I’ve ...