Brad Abare is the founder of the Center for Church Communication. He consults with companies and organizations, helping them figure out why in the world they exist, why anyone should care and what to do about it.
USA Today has a great article about the recent Rick Warren Starbucks cup story, in addition to several other mainstream companies that incorporate some sort of God-factor into their marketing ...
Driving into work yesterday, I was listening to NPR. In the Market Place segment, they were doing a story on the loyalty factor that gays and lesbians have toward brands. ...
I spent the last few days in Atlanta at the sixth annual Catalyst conference, the self-proclaimed event for next generation leaders. For those unfamiliar, Catalyst is the younger, hipper brand ...
Reviewing one of the calendars from an organization I work for, I noticed that yesterday was the 225th celebration of Sunday School (first Sunday of every October). A quick Google ...
Barna released his report today about the extent to which churches are using technology. From a church’s website and e-mail blasts to its use of a projector and video clips, ...
While on the treadmill the other day at my local gym, a TV in the distance captivated me. I usually don’t care to watch the “devil box” (as my mother ...
A few months ago I clipped an article from NRB Magazine, the self-proclaimed “premiere magazine of the Christian communications industry.” (Is it just me or does that statement sound like ...
Authenticity in marketing and communication continues to be tried and tested. Whether it be the “real” women in the Dove campaign, the sincerity of a t-shirt from a church ...
This past weekend I had the privilege of spending some time with Terry Storch from Fellowship Church in Dallas, Texas. If you know of Terry, you know he has just ...
Yesterday I met with the president and his management team from a Bible college here in Southern California. They had initiated the meeting a month ago to discuss “marketing.” Even ...
It’s no secret that Jesus’ use of parables in the New Testament continues to draw parallels to present day story telling. Using the arts—theater, photography, movies, books, and more—generation after ...
This sounds ridiculous, but I don’t think I have ever seen my pastor’s wife with him in any service I have attended. I’ve been going for nearly three years. I ...
In business, most are familiar with the adage that it takes money to make money. If I’m going to build a million widgets and sell them for a profit, then ...
Driving into work yesterday, I was listening to the local news on the radio. As does happen every day during the top of the hour news broadcast, there were a ...
Every Sunday morning here in Los Angeles, Jesus Christ gets behind a microphone. He takes calls and answers questions about his divinity, humanity and everything in ...