John Saddington is a ridiculously prolific entrepreneur. He’s the co-founder of 8BIT (makers of the Standard Theme), the chief technology officer at Team Science, editor of WP Daily and the founder and former editor of ChurchMag. Now he’s trying to launch his own photo-filtering app, Pressgram, using Kickstarter to get things moving.
Pressgram is an app that lets you take photos, filter them to your heart’s content and share them to your WordPress-powered blog, all while retaining complete creative control. That last part is what makes Pressgram fundamentally different from the competition, which scored loads of bad press when a change in legalese meant the service could do anything with users’ photos (ahem, Instragram).
You can learn more about the ins and outs of Pressgram on the Kickstarter campaign, but we wanted to know why the church should get behind Pressgram. So we asked John.
Why should churches be excited about another photo-filtering app?
Why do churches need creative control of their pictures?
By opting out of Instagram, won’t churches be missing out on a huge community where they could have an influence?
Join the Pressgram Kickstarter campaign to make this project a reality.
John Saddington
March 27, 2013
thanks so much! the link to kickstarter at the top is busted. :P thanks!
Kevin D. Hendricks
March 27, 2013
Eric Dye
April 9, 2013
Can you update the ChurchMag link?
Thanks! :D
Kevin D. Hendricks
April 9, 2013
Fixed. (Sheesh, what a pile of botched URLs. If it’s any consolation, I was down and out sick the week this article went up. Let’s blame that, OK?)