Local Meetups: Can We Pray for You?

Local Meetups: Can We Pray for You?

February 6, 2017 by

I’m part of a local meetup of church communicators in the Twin Cities. Our group is called Social Media Shepherds and we gather one morning a month in a local coffee shop to talk church communication. We easily have half a dozen people each month, sometimes more and sometimes less. It’s a consistent group, and if anything it’s been an ongoing encouragement for me to hear from local communicators and see what they’re dealing with.

Find a local group of co-conspirators who understand what you’re dealing with.

At a recent meeting we were having an open Q&A where anyone could bring questions to the group. We were talking about one person’s question and we kept circling back to how overwhelmed they felt:

  • They had set bold social media goals for their small congregation, but weren’t making progress.
  • They struggled with apathetic leadership in the face of a shrinking congregation and the lack of a cohesive vision.
  • They had finally stepped down from one volunteer role (we cheered!), only to step into another one (we groaned).
  • This person knew they would be leaving the church in the not-immediate future due to a spouse’s job change, but they didn’t know if was worth it to keep fighting all of this and work to leave the church in a better position.

The rest of the group responded with ideas and suggestions: Pair back your social media goals (stick to Facebook, ignore Snapchat), offer leadership a framework and process that will work for whatever vision they land on, take care of yourself.

And then someone said, “Can we pray for you?”

It shouldn’t have been a surprising moment that in a gathering of church folk someone would offer to pray. But it was. And it was exactly what was needed. Instead of advice or more to-dos, we just needed to pray for this beleaguered, overwhelmed communicator.

There are a lot of beleaguered, overwhelmed communicators out there. If you’re one of them, know that you are not alone.

There’s a lot you can do to avoid burnout. A local group of co-conspirators who understand what you’re dealing with can be a big help. Commiserate together. Share horror stories. Be inspired by each other’s ideas. Pray for one another.

There are a few scattered meetups for church communicators around the country. If there’s one in your area, check it out. If there’s not, start one. It can be as casual as a couple people meeting for coffee.

Let’s make church communication better by supporting one another.

Post By:

Kevin D. Hendricks

When Kevin isn't busy as the editor of Church Marketing Sucks, he runs his own writing and editing company, Monkey Outta Nowhere. Kevin has been blogging since 1998, runs the hyperlocal site West St. Paul Reader, and has published several books, including 137 Books in One Year: How to Fall in Love With Reading, The Stephanies and all of our church communication books.
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