Sometimes church communication work can feel like a solitary job. That’s why we like to encourage connecting with others, whether it’s in person or online. There’s a Facebook group for church communicators that invites people to share what they’re working on every Wednesday. That’s a cool way to connect, so we thought we’d highlight what some folks in the community are doing each week. So we present our ‘A Week in the Life’ series.
Today we hear from John Yeng. He’s the director of communications at The Austin Stone Community Church in Texas. He spent 18 years in the corporate world, working in ad agencies and eight years at his dream job in the aviation industry.
What’s on your plate this week?
Here is what this week looks like:
- Start of weekly meetings with the core implementation team as we do a pilot launch of a new church management system church-wide in the next 9-12 months.
- Communication strategy for the fall, including brainstorm meeting for fall vision branding.
- Finalize schedule and planning for a three-day planning/retreat for creative team.
- Kick off our KIDS rebranding project.
- Flush out job descriptions for two open positions in design.
- Conversation with a fall resident coming on board on their support raising and praying for him.
- Catch up with my boss who just returned from sabbatical.
What are you most excited about right now?
- Seeing how God is building this team to serve our church better.
- Privilege to lead and shepherd a team of creative and high-capacity individuals.
- Working with technology team to launch a new communication system.
What’s holding you back this week and how will you overcome it?
Schedule: First week of summer for the kids and there are so many activities between the three older kids. There is swim team practices (undefeated!), little league baseball tournament three times per week (semi-finals!) and piano lessons.
I’m overcoming it by telling my wife we need more sleep so we don’t run out of energy this week! And, of course, setting aside intentional time with the Lord to draw near to him.
What does your work space look like right now?

We asked John to share a picture of his work space and specifically asked him not to spruce it up for the picture. Click to see a larger version of John’s work space.