Easter is the biggest Sunday of the year. So what makes for the best Easter service? Everybody likes something different, but what’s your favorite Easter Service? With the release of our new book, Super Sunday: Planning Easter for Your Church, we’ve been talking a lot about what different churches do for Easter. Today we want to share some examples of that favorite Easter service.
Tell us about your favorite Easter service. What made it a special experience?
We asked five church communicators about their favorite Easter service. Here’s what they said:
Selfies & Relationships
Andrew Hansen, communications director at Willamette Christian Church in West Linn., Ore:
In 2014 I took a position with my current church, moving myself from southern California to just outside of Portland, Ore. With no family and just a few friends, I loved how family oriented our service was that year. We did our best to up our hospitality game and create a special environment for people to connect and spend time with each other as we celebrated Christ’s resurrection.
We placed disposable cameras around the church for people to take selfies. While developing them cost a little bit of money, it was well worth the investment. People had a blast and it helped them feel more connected when their photo(s) showed up on our Facebook page. Church is a people and not a place, and it was nice to celebrate Easter in a way that didn’t compromise our focus on building meaningful relationships just because it was a busy day.
Sunrise Services
Angie Shoaf, communications strategist at Christ on Capitol Hill in St. Paul, Minn.:
Sunrise services are always super special, partly because you make the effort to get up extra early, and there is something tremendously uplifting in seeing the sunrise as you celebrate all that Easter means.
Katy Dunigan, marketing and social media director for OnlineChurchDirectory.com:
My favorite Easter service was an outdoor sunrise service I attended many years ago. It was simplistic, quiet and the sunrise was beautiful. Most other Easter services I enjoy include triumphant, upbeat music and a positive, celebratory message and a sanctuary/worship center readied to host a larger than average number of people.
Combining Sermon & Drama
Clarence Stowers, senior pastor at Mars Hill Baptist Church in Chicago:
Our favorite Easter Service happened last Easter. We did a reenactment of Jesus last days with full costumes, stage transformation and I narrated the sermon as an angel sharing what I observed while discussing it with other angels. It was a concert combined with a play. People are still talking about it.
Good Friday
Theresa Decker, communications director at Grace Fellowship Church in Johnson City, Tenn.:
My favorite Easter service was actually a Good Friday service a few years ago. Everyone received an envelope with a pen, blank sheets of black paper and two nails inside. During the service, we had the opportunity to write any of the “hurts, habits or hang-ups” we struggle with on the paper and take our turn nailing it to an enormous cross. On Easter Sunday, the cross was displayed prominently, and each of the hundreds of sheets of black paper had been replaced with a blank sheet of white paper. It was a very powerful visual and allowed us time to reflect on our lives—not just our sin, but all of the areas of life that had been grazed by the enemy in some way. It communicated loudly that Christ redeems and restores all brokenness.
What’s Your Favorite?
Sunrise services, connecting with people and dramatic moments. What makes Easter special at your church? Share the story of your favorite Easter service in the comments.
Need More? 3 Easter Resources:
- Get more Easter ideas with our growing collection of articles, examples, and more.
- Check out our book, Super Sunday: Planning Easter for Your Church, for tips on how to plan, promote, and survive Easter.
- Go deeper for even more Easter resources and join our Courageous Storytellers Membership Site. You'll get access to downloadable resources including planners, guides, worksheets, graphics, and more.