Exhausted. Stressed out. Overwhelmed.
Unfortunately, these descriptions are all too familiar for those in the ministry. When you consider that your mission has an eternal impact, it makes it extremely difficult to just “clock out” and resume your life in a healthy manner. It easily becomes a 24/7 job.
Tim Peters has written a new e-book that will encourage you to become spiritually, relationally, physically and emotionally healthy. Start With You: The Best Thing You Can Do For Your Church will give you practical steps to a healthier you.
Healthy Leaders
Tim notes that there are three traits healthy leaders exemplify:
- Healthy leaders focus on what matters. It often requires saying no to something good (serving church members) in order to focus on something great (serving your family).
- Healthy leaders make no excuses. They own the issue they’re facing and are willing to accept when they’re headed in the wrong direction.
- Healthy leaders are patient with the process. Small, good decisions made on a consistent basis over a long period of time lead to great outcomes.
Be Honest With Yourself
“Study after study has shown that how you feel emotionally is directly related to your physical health. Your endorphins, confidence, belief system, self-control . . . they’re all integrated.”
It’s important to be honest with yourself if you want to get healthy. Tim provides questions that will help you determine what areas you may need to focus on more than others.
- How would you rank your spiritual health?
- How’s your relationship with your spouse?
- Or your kids? Your staff? Your church?
- Do you smile at the person in the mirror, or do you grimace?
- How would others characterize your emotional health over the last year?
- When’s the last time you asked for help?
Yup! He tackled it. When is the last time you asked for help?
Jump start your spiritual, relational, physical, and emotional health and download Start With You: The Best Thing You Can Do For Your Church by Tim Peters.
- Download a free copy of the ebook Start With You: The Best Thing You Can Do for Your Church.
- Read an excerpt of Start With You: The Best Thing You Can Do for Your Church.
- Get more resources to help you take care of yourself and avoid burnout.