If the phrase “nuts and bolts” means the basics of something, then Media Nuts and Bolts by Kim D’Souza is appropriately titled.
The book reads like a reference manual for all things related to media within the church. It gives a basic overview of many concepts and how to get started in each area.
The chapters cover a wide variety of topics related to media including:
- branding
- getting on television
- blogging
- creating videos
- social media
The author explains that the reason for the book is “…not whether your ministry should be using media, rather how you can make your efforts more intentional.” Many of the same themes and ideas run though each section, but are tweaked to fit that particular form of media.
D’Souza stresses the importance of planning, budgeting for resources and knowing what you really need, having good content, and knowing your audience. There are also some good examples of how specific churches are making use of different forms of media in impactful ways.
D’Souza also weaves throughout the book an important idea that serves as a good reminder when working with technology: “The power to transform lives is not in the media but in the message of the gospel.”
The book does seem to be written with an Indian audience in mind, so a few things won’t translate well to a U.S.-based audience. The ideas are solid, although basic.
This is a good resource for small churches and pastors who haven’t yet entered the world of media and want to understand the concepts.
- Download the book for free (with email subscription).
- Learn more about the author, Kim D’Souza.