Over at Innovate 4 Jesus, Rich Birch shares 15 lessons from 17 different bulletins. These church bulletin examples are excellent.
And bearded bulletins? Awesome.
Rich asked people to send in their bulletins and collected over 100. He shares some of the ones that stood out, and offers lessons on how to communicate from these church bulletin examples. You can even download all 17 church bulletin examples in one zipped file so you can see them for yourself.
Some of the best church bulletin insights include:
Use Images
“Use images to draw people’s eyes to what you want to communicate.”
Too often bulletins default to text. Why not use images and pictures? If you’re already creating sermon graphics or announcement slides, use those designs in the bulletin. The bulletin from Christ’s Church of the Valley is a good example of using images.
Smaller Is Better
Rich noticed that larger churches tend to have smaller bulletins. They have a lot to offer, but they’ve learned to narrow the focus.
“If you make everything ‘special’ and put it in your bulletin … nothing will be special.”
More Is Not More
“If you are ever thinking to yourself ‘How small of a font can I use and still have people read it?’ … you have way too much in your bulletin.”
A lesson in how to write church announcements might help.
Make Money Easy
“If you are going to communicate where your church is at financially make sure to communicate it in a way that is easily understood by non-numbers people.”
Rich also applauds churches that are trying to incorporate text-to-give, but urges them to explain it better. New technology is complicated. Make it simple.
Ditch the Bulletin
People have been talking about killing the church bulletin for a while. It might not be for every church (and it might result in a rash of sympathy cardiac deaths among the ‘That’s how we’ve always done it’ crowd), but it’s an option a lot of churches are considering.
Check out the full post for all 15 lessons from these church bulletin examples.