Creative Missions is serving churches in Baltimore May 17-23, 2014. Join other creatives and techies on a mission trip specifically using your God-given gifts.
Hurry, the application deadline is Monday, Feb. 24.
What’s Going On?
God is moving in the “Charm City.” It’s very evident from the ongoing experiences and conversations we’ve had throughout the past year. Did you know more than 300 churches have been planted in the Washington/Baltimore corridor since 2006? Wow!
We’re serving 15-20 churches—new and old—and most are in the urban center. They’re locking arms and reaching out to a city where less than 10% of the population is affiliated with an evangelical church. We’re looking for folks who are passionate about helping pastors engage and better communicate the gospel to their communities through print/web design, video, photography, social media, logos, signage, weekend experience, tech, etc.
Costs & Details
The cost of the trip will be under $500 (final details still being determined and price will be released when invitations are sent). This helps pay down general expenses—lodging, ground transportation, meals, production costs, etc. However, the rate may be less depending on the financial donations we receive between now and early March. Do you have a rich uncle? Donation information will be published at the end of this month.
The only other expense on top of that is your plane ticket into Baltimore-Washington International Airport.
Once all applications have been processed, Creative Missions invitations and detailed trip information will be extended by early March. At that time you can choose to commit, and the participation fee will be due to hold your spot.
Please note, not everyone who applies is guaranteed an invitation. There’s a limited number we can take with us, and skill sets will need to match church needs.
Need more information about Creative Missions?
- We’ve covered Creative Missions extensively in the past (we also handle the finances).
- Get the latest details on Facebook.
- Check out Dangerous: A Go-to Guide for Church Communication, written by Creative Missions alumni.
- Apply Now >