During our Power to the Pews series exploring guerrilla marketing we asked what kind of guerrilla marketing you’d do for your church.
Multiple answers were allowed and the most popular answer with nearly 50% was blogging or tweeting the sermon. Next came inviting friends with 35% (vastly better than the 2% research shows; let’s see if we can actually do it!). 20% were willing to plaster the town with posters and 18% would go the extra mile by supplying better coffee (what truly matters).
More than a quarter were willing to do “something else”. So tell us in the comments, what’s your “something else” to help promote your church?
It’s also worth noting that 43% reported that they’re on staff at their church so they can’t technically do guerrilla marketing. Assuming the scientific accuracy of this poll (ha!), that means a majority of our readers are sitting in the pews. Do you think we need to focus more on how parishioners can market their church and less on staff?
Nathalie Hatch
June 20, 2012
I am brand new to your site – got here from a face book post…to be honest I go back to word of mouth – when Jesus brought miracles, signs and wonders everyone was talking about this ‘man’ and what He did for them and how He spoke with authority and their hearts burned – everyone came out to see Him. No media back then except for lives changed and mouths testifying of His goodness so maybe it isn’t that we need new marketing strategies but just going back to doing the works of Jesus and the people will come! :-)