We recently asked the question, What hip social media site is your church using?
No surprise that Facebook topped the list, though the fact that 82% of churches use Facebook is pretty amazing. Another 46% of churches are using Twitter, which probably reflects our audience more than anything.
Next comes the 16% of churches that can barely manage a website. That’s a little more realistic.
Then we’ve got a host of single digit responses, including Google+ at 8%, Foursquare at 7%, Flickr at 6%, Pinterest at 4% and Tumblr and Instagram both at 3%.
So there are a lot of churches using the big social media sites and then a few churches experimenting with other options.
What’s your church using?
ohio communicator
April 23, 2012
I am wondering if anyone has run across this issue. Our church has had a great Facebook presence for years. The page was created by one of our staff members. Now that staff member is leaving the church and we have found no way to transfer ownership of the church Facebook page to another person.
I am looking for suggestions/solutions. Thanks.
Paul Loyless
April 26, 2012
Easy problem to solve. The current administrator (staff member that is leaving) simply needs to add another administrator.
Admin Panel > Manage > Edit Page > Manage Admins