The busiest season of the year for the Church Marketing Lab, Christmas, has come and gone. But the pool and discussion board have stayed lively as communicators move in to 2011. Here are some of the pieces we’ve seen so far this year:
This poster is aiming to get folks interested in attending a church’s school of worship.
First Assembly of God used this visual projection for their worship services.
Mountain View Church is publishing a new guide to their events and programs for the quarter.
Messy Church is a family-oriented Saturday night service aimed at unchurched and dechurched families, and they’re working on a poster to promote their service.
Those are some of the pieces we’ve seen submitted to the photo pool lately, but there’s so much more to the Church Marketing Lab. One of the most frequent e-mail responses we give people is this: I think you’d get a great answer in the Church Marketing Lab discussion board. There are scores of church communicators putting their heads together and solving problems from graphics to overall communication strategy, and it’s a place where the rubber really meets the road.
Have a question that’s been rattling around in your head? An idea you’ve been considering? Go ahead and post it to the discussion board. It’s fast and easy, and the discussion will be there for your peers to see, consider and grow from.
January 28, 2011
I’m just curious. I have tried to get our staff on board with the importance of branding. I have a hard time with the consistency and longevity that it takes to make it effective. Any thoughts?
Michael Buckingham
January 28, 2011
You need a champion, someone that owns the task of keeping things consistent. Before that you need buy in. A champion is only good when they have the permission of leadership to champion. Without their support you will struggle.