Chris Forbes just released a free 32-page e-book, Facebook for Pastors. The booklet can help you make the most of Facebook for your church (beyond just playing Scrabble). Check it ...
Today’s Earth Day and Jason Boyett reminds us that the church can still care about creation. He points to Tri Robinson, a pastor who wrote the book Saving God’s Green ...
Kinetic Church got in touch with us to tell us a story about themselves, which you may or may not have heard about.
One weekend in early March, our portable church ...
I’m sure we’ve got at least a few readers out there who are in the corporate world and thinking of dabbling in the realm of churches. If you’re thinking of ...
I’m sure some of you have heard the buzz surrounding Local Labs, and you’re even considering getting involved, but it’s a little intimidating. What will they do there? Will I ...
This is part four of a four-part series called “Just Ideas,” looking at ways your church can commit itself to fighting for justice and righteousness in the society around you.
The ...
If you haven’t been keeping your eyes on the Job Lab and Freelance Lab lately, you might not have noticed a little change in our language. You used to see ...
This is part three of a four-part series called “Just Ideas,” looking at ways your church can commit itself to fighting for justice and righteousness in the society around you.
A ...
We were wondering this week if your church has ever done a church-wide survey. Tons of churches do them and swear by them, other folks think they’re a gigantic waste ...
George Barna and Frank Viola are getting a lot of heat for Pagan Christianity: Exploring the Roots of Our Church Practices. Although I think that’s fairly inevitable when you use ...
This is part two of a four-part series called “Just Ideas,” looking at ways your church can commit itself to fighting for justice and righteousness in the society around you.
Tons ...
The Church Marketing Lab is all about peer review. It’s good to post your designs and ideas after you’ve executed them. It’s better to share them before go time so ...
The Stuff Christians Like blog has been around since January. Unfortunately, I just found out about it today. Prodigal John explains how Christians like myriad things, such as: not knowing ...
This is part one of a four-part series called “Just Ideas,” looking at ways the church can commit itself to fighting for justice and righteousness in the society around them.
Think ...
Staying on the brandwagon (I apologize; I’m ashamed; It probably won’t happen again for a little bit.), Tony Morgan follows Seth Godin in discussing bad branding ideas. And he’s got ...