Here’s an interesting hook: Come to our church and get free dates with your spouse!
That’s what Elevation Church did recently to promote a recent series and encourage husbands to “date their wives,” the church gave couples the option to select a restaurant and receive both a $30 gift card and childcare reimbursement. Over 75% of couples participated.
So why on earth does this matter in the realm of church marketing?
This is a basic principle they’re communicating: We care about what happens to you beyond Sunday, and we are willing to make sacrifices to help you do what is right. And we’re not afraid to think outside of the box to do it.
Lots of people won’t go to church because they don’t believe there is a church like that out there. Be that church. Loving your community and creatively showing them you care matters even more than whether you sing from the hymnal or print the words in the bulletin this week. (link via Monday Morning Insight)
Archie Mck
October 21, 2008
Great use of funds to show love for the community of believers. Interested to see where this takes them in the future…
October 21, 2008
What about the single people? Why do they NEVER get any love from the Church?
October 22, 2008
Amen to Jeremy. Of course it is best to promote marriage. There needs to be a solid response in a practical way to what the world says about marriage, and how the church is perceived.
But if there isn’t a really strong movement to help singles, we aren’t addressing the source of destructive relationships, failed marriages, and broken families.
October 22, 2008
for single folks they could give out boxes of cereal and blockbuster rental coupons.
November 1, 2008
One date is not going to fix the on-going problems and complexities of a marriage. I’d rather the church pay a $30 registration fee for the couple to attend an evening seminar with a nice sit down meal where they can hear some great practical marriage principles.