I love blogs. This is why. It’s the blog of a medical missionary in Kenya. It used to be that missionary updates came during furloughs or Missionary Sunday or maybe the occassional letter. But now you can keep tabs on a missionary 24/7, giving them the chance to connect with supporters back home, spread the word about current needs, and I’d imagine make the job of raising support easier. Obviously not every jungle has wifi and a missionary still needs to be sensitive about what info they give out, but what an opportunity.
How connected are you to the missionaries your church supports? How would that change if they had a blog? (link via John I. Carney)
The Hand of FuManChu
March 7, 2005
Missionary blogs
I couldn’t agree more. Jump on blogs, all youse hep missionaries.
May 2, 2005
I couldn’t agree more. As a missionary on deputation, blogging has been an of great value to this ministry.
The Rock at Church Ranch - Denver Christian Blog
May 18, 2005
Church Blogging
If you are new to the “blogging” world – and wonder what it is and why we should use it as a church, there is no better reas…
November 7, 2005
There are so many good uses for a missionary blog. If you want to see some great examples of blogs, check out my new site. :-) It’s found at Missionary-Blogs.com (don’t forget the dash!).
Hal Nichols
April 28, 2006
I am a New Missionary currently on deputation seeking ways to raise my support for inner city and homeless missions. I welcome all ideas.
Cam Dunson
June 17, 2006
In our family, we all have blogs. I am at http://www.camdunson.blogspot.com.
My husband is at http://www.jeffdunson.blogspot.com.
Our six-year-old son writes at http://www.blakedunson.blogspot.com
Our one-year-old has a video-only blog at http://www.parkerdunson.blogspot.com.
We’re really enjoying a more visual way to connect with folks back home.
David Devonshire
June 21, 2006
The encouragement that you receive from home is a real blessing. The home folks love to hear what life is like here. http://thedevonshires.blogspot.com/
paul vernon
November 11, 2006
We have learned that if you are not communicating through blogs or other online updates, you aren’t reaching the people who pray for you and support you. We have employed a suite of journals AND a collection of media blogs to chronicle our adventures and to connect with our friends and family back in the states.
Heather Jamison
December 4, 2006
Just started up our missionary blog of life in Kenya. Visit: http://www.heatheronthenet.com – we’ve been in Kenya since 2000 and are only now beginning to understand why God brought us here. He is good!
Miles Gleaton
January 5, 2007
I am brand new to blogging as a missionary (themword.typepad.com). You can find info about our team to Central Asia at http://www.avantministries.org May I recommend the book “Blog Wild” by Andy Wibbels for all who are trying out this new format.
Andrew Jernigan
January 11, 2007
We are grateful when we have electricity and especially when we have internet!
Our blog helps folks find us and keep up with us. Would you come work with us or visit?
Andrew & Juliana Jernigan
Serving the people in the villages of Lake Bosomtwi in Ghana, West Africa through God’s love in action
Serving Overseas
April 8, 2007
You are right: blogs are an excellent way for missionaries to mobilize their churches and supporters. Unfortunately, many missionaries (like us) serve in countries where security is a big concern. To solve this problem, http://www.MissionaryWebsites.net offers blog tools built especially for missionaries.
Anthea Buys
May 21, 2007
Good luck not sucking and “mattering” and all that… As long as Christians continue to use dreadfully trite jargon, eg “ministry”, “God brought us here”, “real blessing”, “mobilise their churches” etc. no one with half their brain in the real world will give you the time of day. What is this, 1870?? A war?? NO IT’S NOT!! Please, please, churchers, be more “in the world”. God is not going to smite thee for being a little authentic.
Missionary Blogs
October 2, 2007
This is why I started missionsblogs.com To give free websites for missionaries.
In this day and age, even remote villages in Africa are within reach of an internet connection. What better way to make your supporters feel like partners than to have a central location for updates, prayer requests, and anything else. I personally look at the missionaries I support as an investment, and blogs are an awesome way to show the return on your supporters investment.
Love the site, glad someone is saying what needs to be said!
Dave McIntyre
October 29, 2007
Blogging is a great way to stay connected to the folks back home and let them be a part of our daily lives.
February 12, 2009
As a missionary myself, there is a negative side – that is the expectation that supporters place on their missionaries. With email and blogging, there is the expectation that supporters know your every move, that you respond instantly to every email and that you blog weekly, daily, hourly. But, because so many supporters are not tech-minded, you’re also still expected to use the old methods of communication too.
So blogging and so on has more than doubled the expectation on missios.
February 12, 2009
I agree. But it the state of missionaries health is quite an issue: it is a sad fact that rhose doing the most good are the least likely to think about their own health. After visting InterHealth, a holistic, Christian based health charity I was given occupational, medical and psychological support. I would very much recommend them. http://www.interhealth.org.uk
John Lambert
November 5, 2009
Been blogging for a few years now and love being able to share up to date thoughts with those who care enough to read. My family and I work in NE Thailand.