How do people feel when they come to your church? You should be working to identify negative emotions your audience will be feeling and replace them with positive emotions.
Your church is likely to see more first-time guests at Christmas. We've got a free welcome kit to help you analyze how you're doing and make improvements.
Secret shoppers visit stores to offer an unbiased critique of the customer experience. Churches need the same insight and Greg Atkinson offers just that.
Greg Atkinson, a secret shopper for churches, helps church communicators understand how the welcome experience attracts or repels guests in his book Secrets of a Secret Shopper.
When we get stuck in our heads, we develop blind spots about welcoming church members and guests. I learned this lesson when thinking about our church's proximity to public transit.
Not every church has the budget for a massive children's ministry, so how do we avoid banishing them and instead welcome children into our worship services?