Only one thing comes to mind when I heard this story: Uh oh.
I don’t want to be sensationalist or over-report this. It’s pretty tough, though. From KOCO in Oklahoma City: ...
Sometimes it’s fun to see what others say about church marketing. Here’s a blog entry talking about how the Catholic church is marketing World Youth Day 2008. The initial thought ...
We talked before about what to do when someone steals your church trailer. Gary Lamb would beg to differ, however. His church trailer was stolen (perhaps we have a serial ...
WebUrbanist is in the midst of an eight-part series on guerrilla marketing. The examples used in the series are phenomenal, and they make me wonder, “Why the heck isn’t the ...
We’ve talked a lot about Twitter lately and some of you are probably wondering what Twitter might look like inside the church. Well, here’s a real live example of using ...
The Episcopal Church recently launched an advertising campaign emphasizing community outreach. The “Put Your Faith to Work” campaign includes print ads and videos and emphasizes slicing carrots. They go on ...
There’s probably 718,000 churches in America that offer free breakfast. The catch? You have to come on Sundays, be greeted and stick around for the service.
Westchester Church looked to take ...
While reading Graphic Design and Religion, I came across the Episcopal Ad Project of 1979. Apparently, Reverend Dr. George H. Martin decided he wanted to venture into advertising, which churches ...
Here are a couple churches going out of their way to create buzz for Easter. Not everyone should do these things, but we always encourage thinking outside of the box.
Easter ...
This is part three in a three-part series about church marketing lessons learned from my recent trip to Haiti.
Preach the Word, Not the ProblemIn a post earlier this year, I ...
This is part two in a three-part series about church marketing lessons learned from my recent trip to Haiti.
A Holistic Approach to Church Works WellAlthough commonplace in third-world countries, it ...
I just recently returned from being in Haiti with my wife and family. It was a part of our alternate holiday plans as we continue to re-imagine what Christmas is ...
by Margaret Pittman, Guest Blogger
Occasionally churches get it right–they do something so significant that it makes you stand back in awe and amazement. And as a critic of the ...
You can certainly file this one under “Is this for real?” I’ll copy from the site,, here.
The lead pastor, Troy Gramling, at Flamingo Road Church is getting naked! ...