Seacoast Church's Worship Arts Academy is for members of their church, but they're looking to make an impact beyond their own congregation. We explore the program and its intended impact.
How did one church in New Zealand end up a viral Christmas video? We talked with James Bowman, one of the brains behind the video, to hear their Christmas story.
Steve Fogg has some questions before he determines a winner in the dueling billboard campaign between the American Atheists and the Catholic League near New York's Lincoln Tunnel.
In the midst of his own homelessness crisis Mark Horvath launched We talk with Mark about outreach, marketing and homeless ministry.
We can’t share Jesus with people we don’t understand and even protest. We must overcome fears and stereotypes in order to reach people of other faiths with respect and love.
Inviting a Muslim to speak at your church is not exactly a popular move. But Bob Roberts Jr. did. He shares lessons in communicating big ideas to your congregation.
What if Christians were seen presenting a positive message, instead of a negative one? What if we were perceived in our community as cheerleaders and supporters rather than angry critics?
The college ministry's banners proclaimed "WTF" in bold letters. But rather than the familiar if profane abbreviation we're used to, the words "worship," "teaching" and "friends" appeared below each letter.
One pastor speaks out against plans for a new mosque. Another pastor offers up his church when a local mosque is burned. What message does your church send?