Kevin D. Hendricks

When Kevin isn't busy as the editor of Church Marketing Sucks, he runs his own writing and editing company, Monkey Outta Nowhere. Kevin has been blogging since 1998, runs the hyperlocal site West St. Paul Reader, and has published several books, including 137 Books in One Year: How to Fall in Love With Reading, The Stephanies and all of our church communication books.

Kevin D. Hendricks's Posts:

Be Warm & Inspiring This Christmas: Free Video Download
November 6, 2014

Be Warm & Inspiring This Christmas: Free Video Download

Gary Molander shares the need for churches to be warm and inspiring as they reach out to people for Christmas.

Read More... on Unwelcome
November 3, 2014 on Unwelcome covers our latest book, Unwelcome. “I think every church should get this and read it, no matter how awesome they think they are.”


Happy Halloween 2014
October 30, 2014

Happy Halloween 2014

Boo! We've got scary church signs, visitor horror stories, zombies and ghosts. Happy Halloween.


Embrace Some Awkward: Empathize With Church Visitors

Embrace Some Awkward: Empathize With Church Visitors

Checking out a gym can help church communicators realize how awkward it is for visitors to check out a church. Learn to empathize with church visitors.


Unwelcome Hangout: Visitors & Church Communication
October 28, 2014

Unwelcome Hangout: Visitors & Church Communication

Watch the Unwelcome Hangout to learn more about how churches welcome (or don't) visitors. With Jonathan Malm and Dave Shrein.


Unwelcome Now Available: 50 Ways Churches Drive Away First-Time Visitors
October 27, 2014

Unwelcome Now Available: 50 Ways Churches Drive Away First-Time Visitors

Walking into a church can be scary. In Unwelcome, Jonathan Malm tackles 50 ways churches can creep out visitors and how to fix those problems.


Christmas Creativity: Think Inside Your Box
October 24, 2014

Christmas Creativity: Think Inside Your Box

Christmas is coming. You might not have time for some wild and crazy Christmas idea. You need to work within your limitations. That's true creativity.


Churches: Put Your Faith in Action, Not Passing Resolutions
October 23, 2014

Churches: Put Your Faith in Action, Not Passing Resolutions

We like to talk big, but we don't always put our faith in action. Don’t think that passing resolutions, singing, preaching or tweeting is the same as doing.


technology Article
October 21, 2014

Online Church Debate: Pros & Cons Video Conversation

A video conversation diving into the online church debate with Nils Smith, Jason Caston and Nate Friedrichsen. Join us live on Thursday, Oct. 23 at 1 p.m. ET.


A Storytelling Refresher for Your Church
October 14, 2014

A Storytelling Refresher for Your Church

The church loves stories. But as much as we love them, we need more practice in making storytelling work in our communication.


West Coast Certification Lab in Action
October 13, 2014

West Coast Certification Lab in Action

Collected tweets and pics from our west coast Certification Lab, sharing the wisdom and communication goodness as it happens.


Depression in the Church: Video Conversation
October 10, 2014

Depression in the Church: Video Conversation

Depression isn’t exactly a popular topic in the church. But it's important. Watch this video conversation about mental health and depression in the church.


writing-editing Article
October 9, 2014

Religious Style Guide: Consistency!

Every church communicator needs a style guide, but the AP Stylebook doesn’t always cut it. You need a religious style guide to bring consistency.


8 Ways Your Church Website Can Welcome First-Time Visitors Before They Arrive
October 8, 2014

8 Ways Your Church Website Can Welcome First-Time Visitors Before They Arrive

Church shopping isn't easy. Welcome church visitors online by making your website more helpful and answer questions before they arrive.


17 Church Bulletin Examples
October 7, 2014

17 Church Bulletin Examples

Lots of lessons and ideas from these church bulletin examples, including using images, finding focus, less content and ditching the bulletin entirely.