Kevin D. Hendricks

When Kevin isn't busy as the editor of Church Marketing Sucks, he runs his own writing and editing company, Monkey Outta Nowhere. Kevin has been blogging since 1998, runs the hyperlocal site West St. Paul Reader, and has published several books, including 137 Books in One Year: How to Fall in Love With Reading, The Stephanies and all of our church communication books.

Kevin D. Hendricks's Posts:

Atheist’s Church Skipping Billboard
December 16, 2014

Atheist’s Church Skipping Billboard

Atheists put up a billboard encouraging people to skip church this Christmas. Time to fire up the culture war? Nope.


Christmas Graphic: Free Download to Share
December 11, 2014

Christmas Graphic: Free Download to Share

Here's a free Christmas graphic so your church can go tell it on the social media mountain. No more excuses. Now it's easy to get started on social media.


57 Christmas Videos
December 10, 2014

57 Christmas Videos

We collect several lists of Christmas videos you can share with your church and offer some of the best, as well as tips for how your church can use videos.


When Bulletins Explode All Over Visitors
December 4, 2014

When Bulletins Explode All Over Visitors

Just because it's Christmas doesn't mean you need to stuff your bulletin until it explodes. It scares away visitors and doesn't serve the ministries those inserts are trying to help.


De-Stress Christmas With Hard & Holy Devotional
November 25, 2014

De-Stress Christmas With Hard & Holy Devotional

Holidays aren't always happy and that can be especially hard for church communicators trying to create a positive and uplifting experience. Let's de-stress with a free devotional.


Church Recommendations Matter
November 19, 2014

Church Recommendations Matter

People trust recommendations over advertising, 81% to 36%. So collecting church recommendations is a powerful way to get people to your church. Here's how to encourage church reviews.


Certification Lab 2015
November 17, 2014

Certification Lab 2015

The Certification Lab is an opportunity for church communication leaders to get better. It's coming to Dallas and St. Louis in 2015.


Embrace Tradition for Your Christmas Celebration

Embrace Tradition for Your Christmas Celebration

Don't put baby Jesus on a zip line, embrace tradition: candlelight services, classic songs, the Christmas story. People like tradition at Christmas.


Free Thanksgiving Graphics: Saying Thank You on Social
November 14, 2014

Free Thanksgiving Graphics: Saying Thank You on Social

No one has ever complained that you say thank you too much. Encourage your church to give thanks with a free Thanksgiving graphic to share on social media.


Thank a Pastor
November 13, 2014

Thank a Pastor

A lot of pastors work hard, just like you, to help your church communicate better. In fact, a lot of pastors are saving your butt. So let's say thanks.


The Church Visitor Gift: How Bribery Can Bring People Back
November 12, 2014

The Church Visitor Gift: How Bribery Can Bring People Back

The church visitor gift is a tried and true way to make guests feel welcome and bring them back to your church. We talk examples, rationale and more.


social-justice Article
November 11, 2014

More Than Thank You: Supporting Veterans

Let's thank our veterans, yes, but let's also pray for them, pray for peace, and then lead the way to action. Here are a few ways to support veterans.


End of the Year Church Giving

End of the Year Church Giving

The end of the year is a good time to think about money. We cover new metrics, why it matters, giving strategies and ways to boost online giving.


Anne Lamott on Grief, Brokenness & Small Steps
November 10, 2014

Anne Lamott on Grief, Brokenness & Small Steps

Anne Lamott, the patron saint of brokenness, is an example of honesty, grace and the small victories that church communicators need to embrace.


Advent: Don’t Reinvent Christmas

Advent: Don’t Reinvent Christmas

Christmas is coming, but you don't need to stress. There's a ready made Christmas promo plan called Advent.